Friday, February 15, 2008

A New Beginning

Numa canção* dos Within Temptation diz-se que:

A new beginning always starts at the end

Este fim que ali se refere poderá ser por exemplo o final de uma etapa passada... Nesse sentido eu acrescento que às vezes para seguir em frente é preciso talvez dar uns passos atrás e recomeçar a partir de determinado ponto passado, pois tal como indicado na canção acima nós não controlamos o mundo, mas podemos sempre recomeçar e voltar a tentar...

*-Mother Earth lyrics
Birds and butterflies
Rivers and mountains she creates
But you'll never know
The next move she'll make
You can try
But it is useless to ask why
Cannot control her
She goes her own way

She rules until the end of time
She gives and she takes
She rules until the end of time
She goes her own way

With every breath
And all the choices that we make
We are only passing through on her way
I find my strength
Believing that your soul lives on
Until the end of time
I'll carry it with me

Once you will know my dear
You don't have to fear
A new beginning always starts at the end
Until the end of time
She goes her own way

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

agora compreendo.....